ContentFries' video templates streamline the video creation process, eliminating the need for extensive editing.
Choose a template from a growing library or create your own, customize templates to align with your brand or your clients.
Custom Templates and Global Templates
Templates tab is divided into two main subtabs:
Your Templates
Global (Templates)
You will be able to see all the custom templates you have created in the "Your Templates" subtab, while all premade templates will be listed in the "Global" subtab.
Applying template to a video
Applying a template to a video is as simple as clicking on the thumbnail of any template and then clicking on "Apply template" in the rightmost panel.
Creating your own templates
No matter if you customized a premade template to your liking or you carefully constructed your video layout element by element, you can always save the current video layout as a template:
Click on "Your Templates" subtab;
Click on "Save New Template";
Name your template and click on "Create New Template".